
Timed events on licenced tracks, are conducted on a regular basis by MGCC Newcastle (and other clubs).

They suit all types of vehicles, and are held right through from Club Level to State and national Championships. They are great fun requiring intense concentration from a driver for a short period of time. They are quite safe and require a few simple safety items to be fitted to your car – a second bonnet restraint and a fire extinguisher etc. Plus a safety helmet. A club official can advise you on what is needed. The cost of competing in a supersprint are modest compared to circuit racing.

In a supersprint, cars compete in groups of up to 8 cars at either Sydney Motorsport Park (Eastern Creek) and Wakefield Park race circuits, against the clock – it’s actually an opportunity to compete with other cars on the circuit and without the need for extensive vehicle modifications.

Cars are grouped according to their performance, and circulate around the track, trying to clock a fast time. Cars are separated by time intervals and for safety, overtaking is severely restricted.

Sprints and Supersprints are mostly conducted at the recognised motor racing circuits around the country. Individual or small numbers of cars are released at regular intervals onto the track and generally complete several laps at a time racing against the clock, and not the other drivers out there at the time.

Whilst sprints are not actually races, they give participants a great feel for what it is like to drive at high speed competitively around a race track and provide a fabulous test for car and driver alike.

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